The Onchain Growth Platform

Attribution, Analytics, Audiences and Ads...all in one place

Web2 had Mixpanel and Amplitude
Web3 has Spindl

Know where your users are coming from and what they’re doing inside your onchain app.

Dashboard components

Spindl isn’t just canned dashboards

Create your own dashboards and reporting, just like in Looker or Tableau.

Chart Builder UI

Pay anyone who brought in a user

A KOL, a community member, or even a crypto publisher (and reward users too).

Referrals chart

Define audiences

According to onchain and offchain actions, and see what apps they’re using or tokens they’re trading.

Audiences screen
Chevron Left Icon
Chevron Right Icon
Dashboard IconDashboard Icon - Active State


Dashboard components

Web2 had MixPanel and Amplitude
Web3 has Spindl

Know where your users are coming from and what they’re doing inside your onchain app.

Chart Builder IconChart Builder - Active state


Chart Builder UI

Spindl isn’t just canned dashboards

Create your own dashboards and reporting, just like in Looker or Tableau

Referrals IconReferrals Icon - Active state


Referrals chart

Pay anyone who brought in a user

A KOL, a community member, or even a crypto publisher (and reward users too).

Audiences - Active StateAudiences Icon  - Active State


Audiences screen

Define audiences

According to onchain and offchain actions, and see what apps they’re using or tokens they’re trading.

Trusted by top Web 3 companies

Easy integration

Spindl app integration

Just call our library from your sign-in page, and we handle the rest, whatever chain you're on. Tell us what on-chain events you care about, and we'll figure out how they got there.

Read Docs

Custom chartbuilding

Custom Chartbuilding UI

Understand user behavior from a click anywhere on the Web to any on-chain action, whether your funnel starts with a Tweet or Discord post and ends in a NFT purchase or token staking.

Audience Intelligence

Audiences Intelligence

Define audiences according to onchain and offchain actions they’re doing, and use them across Spindl for analysis and targeting.




Web3’s first real attribution, analytics, and referrals system

Getting started is a one-line change to your website or mobile app. Let’s talk about accelerating your growth

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